Red Carpet Season...PTY Style

  Saliendo un poco de la rutina hoy he decidido hacer un post el cual nació de un pensamiento que tuve mientras veía un comercial sobre los Grammy, con toda esta cantidad de eventos a principios de año y tantas alfombras rojas me dio por imaginarme que vestidos elegiría de diseñadores panameños para las distintas premiaciones de estos meses. Aunque me emocionó hacer un recorrido por las pasadas colecciones del Fashion Week Panamá no fue tan sencillo como pensé, me explico, a pesar de que en mi país existen artistas la realidad es que no tenemos una cultura de alfombra roja por que básicamente no existen premiaciones que lo ameriten (obviamente este tema del plano artístico es para desarrollar pero eso es para otra ocasión). Como consecuencia de esto los diseñadores nacionales son mas propensos a crear bonitos vestidos de noche pero todos sabemos que eso es algo muy diferente a un vestido de gala para una alfombra roja, sin embargo de vez en cuando hay algunos diseñadores que nos sorprenden con creaciones que considero podrían fácilmente estar en un red carpet.

  Going a little out of routine today I decided to do a post which was born of a thought I had while watching a commercial about the Grammys, with all this amount of events earlier in the year and so many red carpets I started to imagine which dresses would I choose from Panamanian designers for various awards in these months. Although I was thrilled to tour the past collections of Fashion Week Panama it was not as easy as I thought, I mean even though there are artists in my country the reality is that we basically don´t have a culture of red carpets because there is no award show that has the merit for that here (obviously this topic about the artistic scene is to be developed but that's for another time). As a result national designers are more likely to create beautiful evening dresses but we all know that's something very different from a gala dress or a haute couture number for a red carpet , though occasionally there are some designers that surprise us with creations which I think could easily be on a red carpet .

The Golden Globes are known to be the preview to the Oscars and in that vein stars usually wear beautiful gowns but they never give it all up, the dress should be just enough to look fantastic if you win but not so much that it overshadows the Oscar one. So for my PTY Golden Globes dress I chose this one by designer Michelle Zarak, I think the dress is really femenine, hits the figure in all the right spots and the golden hues are perfect for the ceremony, if anything I´d make it just a tad longer but for the rest I love it.

In the film/TV department the Screen Actors Guild Awards presents itself as the most relaxed show, actors awarding its peers all in a very joyful and casual evironment. For this ceremony celebrities tend to feel more afinity for pretty and comfortable dresses that sometimes just go all the way to simple and minimalist. So, for my PTY SAG dress I picked this one from Greta Bayo, the shape is quite simple and the fit looks comfortable and easy on the body, I also decided to pick this one for its motif which gives it just the right amount of pzass! 

The Grammys, need I say more? This is the show where you can go wackadoodle (Is this spelled right?) It´s music, it´s fun and awesome. This can go both ways: You go full on drama larger than life or you go for the modern, cool, edgy look...Dresscode: Do not be boring! For my PTY Grammy dress I was totally biased on this one by Anna Francesca Blasser which is just giving me life! Its a little bit cool, its a little bit modern, its a little bit dramatic, its a little bit sexy, its a little bit crazy...I.LOVE.IT.

The Academy Awards, this is the show were you go high for couture. Its time to pull all the stops and dazzle (the word we are looking for is grand). This is the dress that will forever be known as the one you consolidate (or re-consolidate if you are Meryl Streep) your career in. So for my PTY Academy Awards dress my first choice was this gorgeous gown by Tatiana Uliantzeff, this woman is one of the few designers I actually regard as having red carpet potential but not just any...I mean Oscar-level. Her techinique, fabric choice and overall couture-ish vibe is just on spot.

I would love to know who are you looking forward to see in the Grammys and Academy Awards? And also which celebrities you think will look great in the dresses above?

All Photos:

Hugs, Andy.

P.S: I would also like to mention that Panama City has just been added to the Style Map cities in which I find awesome so if you have some time I do encourage you to check it out to know a little bit more about my country.


  1. Hola querido Andy:
    Por favor que precioso vestidos que envidia !!!
    el primero me ha encantado!!

    y el ultimo me ha robado el corazón



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