SAG Awards 2014 - Red Carpet

¡Red Carpet!

  Y comenzamos la semana pues con mis escogidos (buenos y no tan buenos) de los SAG Awards. Debo decir que Lupita Nyong´o realmente esta dejando una impresión en la alfombra roja y creo que muchos están esperando con ansias el vestido que lucirá en los Oscars, el año solo comienza pero esta chica da señales de que solo esta comenzando a impresionarnos.

  And we start the week with my picks (good and..not so much) from the SAG Awards Red Carpet. I have to express that Lupita Nyong´o is really making an impression in the carpet and I believe most of us are just dying to see what she´ll wear to the Oscars. The year is just starting but this girl is giving big signals that she is just beggining to wow us.

¡Home Run!

¡Safe Zone!

OH, NO! Award
I am really sorry for Sufe Bradshaw, I think she does some amazing humanitarian work but this entire ensemble was really a mess.

Hugs, Andy.


  1. Lupita is really getting best dressed all the time! I love her and I'm going to see her movie asap :) You made a great selection again, darling, I especially love the layout of it! And I agree with the 'oh no', why the hell is she wearing a crown? :p


  2. Lupita is definitely the best dressed here, this dress looks lovely on her :) xx

    I am having a giveaway on my blog and would love for you to enter :)


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