Sarah Jessica Parker´s Shoe Line - Sex and the City style!

She could´ve just name them Carrie...we would all just roll we it ¿Right?

Para el inicio de fin de semana decidí dejarlos con algo que me encanta, zapatos, y es que no podemos negar que son tanto necesidad como un lujo...que gustosamente nos damos, bueno en este caso ustedes las chicas. La nueva línea de zapatos de Sarah Jessica Parker (a.k.a. Carrie Bradshaw) ha salido al mercado y aunque no son tan extravagantes como los que usaba su personaje siguen conservando esa chispa que alguna vez nos trajo una chica amante de los cosmopolitans. Para realizar esta tarea SJP contó con la ayuda de George Malkemus, CEO de Manolo Blahnik,  lo que curiosamente nos recuerda más a este inmortal personaje ya que esta era su marca de zapatos predilectos. La línea de 44 zapatos viene en precios desde $195 a $500.
Algo que note, o quizás solo sea cosa mía, es que algunos zapatos me recordaban a los personajes de la serie Sexo en la Ciudad por lo que decidí reunirlos bajo cada uno de sus nombres para presentarlos de una forma diferente...o sencillamente por que soy un insufrible fanático y no encontré otra manera de hacerlo jaja.

To start the weekend I decided to leave you with something you know is dear to my heart, shoes, and you can´t deny that they are as necessites and luxury...which we gladly just take, well in this case you ladies. Sarah Jessica Parker´s (a.k.a. Carrie Bradshaw) new shoe line has hit the market and while they are not as extravagant as those from her character they sure keep that sparkle that once was brought to us by a girl who love cosmopolitans. For this task SJP enlisted the help of George Malkemus, CEO of Manolo Blahnik, which curiously reminds us even more of her character for that was her favourite shoe brand. The line of 44 shoes while have prices ranging from $195 to $500.
Something I noticed, or maybe is just my imagination, was that some shoes kind of reminded the characters of Sex and the City for which I decided to gather them under each name to present them on a quirky and different way...or just simply because I´m an obnoxious fan and there was no other way I could do this LOL.

The sparkle and the fairy dust...just like our Carrie...also the black shoes are clearly an ode to the Manolo Blahnik "Mary Janes". -I thought they were an urban shoe myth-

Its all about the "barely there" popping color shoe. With a hint of youth and of course sexy as hell. -Yes ¡ I Have Sex !-

The key words are stability and control, Miranda was also very much on the earthly & autumy hues. - It´s the law of physics. Whenever there´s this much gay energy in one room, Liza manifests!-

Proper, prim and lady like, everything you can expect from an upstate Manhattan princess. - I´m having a Jewish wedding and I look like Hitler!-

¡Happy Weekend!
Hugs, Andy.


  1. the shoes are very cute! your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3


  2. Era cuestión de tiempo que Sara Jessica sacara una colección de zapatos! Pasa por nuestro blog cuando quieras.

  3. i hope you won't hunt me down and kill me for not being a sex and the city fan, hahahaha. but i do love these shoes esp the carries and the charlottes!

  4. ES LA MEJOR!!


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