The Brands To Know: A Modern Spin.

Hola mis queridos lectores. Como es de costumbre tenemos la segunda entrada de este lunes cuya raíz es un tema del que me encanta investigar y son marcas nuevas. Debo aclarar que el termino "nuevas" puede ser relativo ya que para mi es más un asunto de que estas firmas de moda quizás no sean tan ampliamente conocidas por el publico en general (o al menos por mi) razón por la cual elijo mostrarlas a través de este medio como una forma de ayudar a aquellos que quizás no las conocen de entrar en contacto con algo nuevo para ellos y de esa manera aportar mi grano de arena a expandir el conocimiento de marcas de moda que nunca esta demás.
Este año iniciamos con cuatro marcas que me he dado cuenta que por una no representaron, de cierta manera, a las cuatro grandes capitales de la moda...será para la próxima. Algo que busque fue que transmitieran frescura y modernidad en su diseño, también creatividad que sin embargo no es ajena a las necesidades de la vida actual. Son cuatro compañías que tienen algo en común y es un compromiso para crear prendas hermosas, practicas y modernas con una inconfundible mira contemporánea.

Hello my dear readers. As usual we are in the second post for the day which has its roots in a subject I really love to investigate and is new brands. Now first of all I must stretch that the term "new" is not exact in this case for me its mostly about a brand that maybe is not widely known by the general audience (or by me) and this is the reason why I picked them so I can use my blog as a medium to help those that might not be aware to come in contact with these brands and as well contribute in any way I can to the expansion of fashion brands knowledge which is never a bad thing.
This year we start of with four brand which I realized that for one it would´ve been one for each fashion capital...oh well there´s always next time. Something that stuck with me while choosing them was that I needed to feel a freshness and modernity in the design, also a creative streak that wasn´t completely oblivious to the necessities of current life. These four companies have something in common and it is a commitment to creating beautiful, practical and vanguard garments with a fixed contemporary focus.

Based in: Milano, Italy
Founders: Tomaso Anfonssi & Francesco Ferrari
Fact: Both studied at Istituto Marangoni, featured in Vogue Talents´ list of 160 emerging designers.
Style: Refined, easily wearable shapes and attention to detail.

Based in: London, United Kingdom
Founder: Edeline Lee
Fact: Apprenticed with Alexander McQueen, John Galliano & Zac Posen.
Style: Structured, femenine shapes, clean modernist lines, designs for the future lady.

Based in: Paris, France
Founders: Ilan Delouis & Jenny Mannerheim
Fact: The brand produces films, exhibitions, books and objects all in dialogue with the current collection.
Style: A masculine wardrobe for women, plays with the myth of androgyny, collaborates with other designers, artists and craftmen in their collections.

Based in: Paris, France
Founders: Jacques Leonard & Daniel Tribuillard (1958) - Current Artistic Director: Yiqing Yin.
Fact: Known for launching a revolutionary new process for printing english weaves in the 60´s. In 1994 the house joined the French "Federation de la Couture". Daniel Tribuillard was responsible for updating the kimono comissioned by the japanese government.
Style: Unique, luxurious, modern, comfortable, bold and colorful with a mastery in prints.

The Black Label
xx Andy xx

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