I wanna Rock & Roll all night! Benoni Loos for Esquire Spain

 Hello everyone! So, yeah someone asked me where was I? haha...Well there have been lots of parties, events, etc. And I got lots of posts to do but since quite a while I decided just to make three posts per week...I guess you may have noticed it...to try not to saturate the post making (cause I really don´t like that of being absent like for five days and then making seven posts at once!) For today I bring to you this editorial that I really like..I love rock and rock inspired clothes and rock inspired everything haha...And personally I would wear every single jacket in this editorial (including the blazer and the trench) very laid back with an edge...And it also reminds me of a certain thing a (emotion gasp) very talented designer is making for me and I already saw the sketch (gasp once again)...it´s fabulous and I can´t wait for you to see it! Oh yeah, this one´s for the guys...but ladies you are more than welcome to appreciate too! xx Andy


  1. I appreciate a post on menswear! Love this feature! And yes i was asking where you were? I miss hearing from you! You always give the best feedback!!!

  2. La chupa de Tachuelas me encanta...en todos los modelos y versiones!

    Un beso Chipless by Dave

  3. Loving this editorial. Rock is so classic!

  4. Hallo Andrés!!! Immages very cute, i love so much the outfit number 3 and 4! :-) I like Rock & Roll style!!!

  5. baha yeah ohhh i'm appreciatin' all right!

    http://opinionslave.blogspot.com x

  6. I want that studded jacket... so cool!


  7. thank you for your comment (:
    I love those leather jackets! xX


  8. me gustan mucho esas cazadoras de cuero!!! te seguiré en twitter besos

  9. Thank you alot :) I made a new design, it's online now =) Maybe you wanna take a look at it.

    Furthermore, I didn't forget the translation. My sister will translate the entries, which are only german (usually, we translate them while blogging the new post).

    Lots of greets :)

  10. Ese tipo de chaquetas biker con aplicaciones me encantan tanto para hombre como para mujer.
    Las de Burberry son increibles!!!
    saludos y besos!

  11. love all the looks!



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