A Tale of Two Worlds - My Paris MFW review & I´ve been featured!!

Commes des Garçons
Hola a todos! Primero quiero desearles un excelente comienzo de semana...Y pues entrando en materia, ahora que la semana de la moda masculina en Paris ha terminado decidí que era momento de hacer mi pequeño review sobre los mejores looks, sin embargo mientras veía las colecciones surgió en mi un sentimiento de abordar este review como si fuera una historia porque al ver los diferentes atuendos esa fue la vibra que me dio pues imagine un mundo futurista dividido en dos clases sociales. La primera clase vivía en ciudades impresionantes muy elaboradas pero frías y estrictas un lugar donde la seriedad y restricción se palpaba en cada uno los habitantes conocidos como Los Ciudadanos.
Hello everyone! First of all I want to wish you a great week start...And now getting into buisiness, now that Paris male fashion week has come to an end I decided it was time for my little review about the best looks, nevertheless while I was going through the collections I had this idea, more of a feeling, to make this review more of a short story because it was the vibe it gave me, it had me thinking about a futuristic world divided in two great groups. The first one lived in impressive cities with stunning elaborated buildings but with a cold and strict heart were seriousness and restriction was the rule within its inhabitants known as The Citizens.
Dior Homme
Kris Van Assche
 Yves Saint Laurent

Los Ciudadanos eran seres de gran poder y dinero, familias cuya ambición y capacidad económica construyeron un mundo aparentemente perfecto desterrando a todos aquellos que no pertenecieran a sus estratos sociales. Afuera de estas ciudades en las planicies desérticas y en otros casos frondosas vivían aquellos excluidos quienes se adaptaron a vivir en un mundo sin lujos ni gran tecnología y aprendieron a convivir con la naturaleza y pesar de no tener lujosas posesiones eran felices, eran libres, eran Los Forasteros.
The Citizens were humans of great power and wealth, families that drived by ambition and their economic power built an apparent perfect world vanishing anyone that didn´t belonged to their privileged social status. Outside this cities in the desertic and sometimes bushy landscapes lived those who were excluded, they adapt to the intention of living in a world with no luxury or advanded technology and learned to blend with nature and were happy and free even though they had no valuable posessions, they were The Outsiders.
John Galliano
3.1 Phillip Lim
Alexis Mabille
Henrik Vibskov
Louis Vuitton

A pesar de vivir separados ambos mundos inevitablemente se encontraban, aunque no en las mejores circunstancias, para unos la falta de medicamentos al vivir en condiciones tan adversas presentaba un reto y un mal por lo que se veían obligados a adquirirlo a como diera lugar. Para los otros, o para uno en especifico, su Rey, sus adversarios eran molestias, seres inferiores que amenazaban con colapsar su mundo perfecto, la guerra estaba declarada.
Inspite living in two complete different worlds they inevitably clashed, and not in the best circumstances, for some of them that lack of medicines living in wild and challenging conditions was a great worry that made them determined to get them at any cost. For the others, or at least for one, their King, this people were annoyances in his way, inferior beings who threated to unbalance the perfection of his world, the war was declared.
Como pueden ver decidí elaborar este review de otra manera para hacerlo mas interesante y diferente...mas que mis outfits favoritos (si son varias de las colecciones que me gustaron) busque outfits que representaran y contaran la historia que tenia en mi cabeza, con la esperanza que cada outfit convirtiera al modelo en un personaje e ilustrara su historia a traves de la moda, espero les haya gustado. Besos, Andy!
As you may see I decided to elaborate this review in a whole other way to make it a little bit more interesting and different even funnier...this are not my favourite outfits (though they are some of my fav collections) instead I look through them to find outfits that told the story I had in my head, with the hope that each of this garments turned the models into characters and illustrated their story through fashion, I hope you enjoyed it. xx Andy!

Also I´ve been featured on the blog 20 York Street ...I am so happy about this cause it´s one of my favourite blogs!!! It was really an honor for me and want to thank Marilou for choosing me (she´s like the cutest and fiercest ever) click on the blog´s name to read the interview! Btw I also promised you a surprise...two brand new outfits you can see them in the feature post (the first and the last they are).


  1. me han encantado las propuestas de Dior y de Phillip Lim! yo en cuestión de ropa para chico, soy bastante clásica! mucho más que en ropa para chicas, quizás!

  2. jajaja cuando me dijiste que tenia que leer tu review sabia que iba a ser bueno... pero ahora que lo leí... es excelente! me encanto como abordaste tus looks favoritos como si estuveras contando una historia. Brilliant!



  3. Hahaha my dear Andy this is one extraordinary review, so original and different, u were really inspired!:) I prefer the Citizens!:Dlol

  4. La verdad es que son looks más que transgresores. Me gusta Galiano y me gusta mucho ese corte de chaqueta abrochado de lado. Muy buenas propuestas!!



  5. Again you have such an utterly amazing post! Thank YOU so much for the wonderful comment! ♥


  6. I love all the menswear shots of Balmain- the staircase continued throughout the collection gives it such an edge over the other menswear collections i think- and i dont usually spot menswear!


  7. I really enjoyed Lanvin's collection and Happy week to you too!

    congrats on being featured on 20 York street


  8. Amazing! And congrats on the feature. Take care!

  9. Love all of these men's looks ... everyone looks so daper :) Congrats on the feature! WOW!!!! What a great way to kick off a new week :)

    ♥ Cat brideblu

  10. great stuff! thanks for sharing :) it's refreshing to see well dressed guys


  11. me ha gustado el de balmain

  12. Great selection
    it is all so great!

  13. Kris van assche is such an amazing designer! :)

  14. Ahh yes.. Paris is most definitely where it's at.. I always love to read your recaps and reviews of things, Andy. And this review was not only informative but entertaining- what a great idea and a great theme- it suits perfectly!!

    And congratulations on your feature- I can't think of anyone who deserves it more!! xxxx

  15. Hola!!!
    dior me encantó, y de Lanvin su atrevimiento...me chiflan todos...

  16. Lo que más me ha gustado es la forma en la que has presentado estas colecciones,Las has hecho más cercanas,menos abstractas y mucho más interesantes!!!

    Un besazo,Andrés!!!

  17. me ha encantado Dior aunque no el unico

  18. Gracias por tus comentarios!me ha encantado el desfile!Dior es una pasada!

  19. Me encanta la introduccion que has hecho ...

    Pero de los looks me quedo con Lanvin!

    Besos Chipless by Dave

  20. Love the whole short story feeling to this post... Hmm Paris is always amazing.. I pretty much want everything that was shown!

    All the best, Angel

  21. Phillip Lim is the best here. :)



  22. My fav is Dior Homme! So stylish!
    xx Ilka

  23. Un blogs super interesante. Me ha gustado mucho la entrada en general.




  24. Me chifla el segundo look, el de Dior Homme.. me ha encantado!!! :)
    Un besazoo

  25. 3.1 Phillip Lim , Balmain and Yves Saint Laurent for me the best :)



  26. these outfits look fab, I love the louis vuitton one!

  27. Mugler, well, Nicola Formichetti- the one and the only!
    Great collection!

    hugs and kisses by Mani.

  28. lovin the balmain suit. mens is always interesting to look at.
    and congrats on the feature!


  29. Oh, I just love Mugler. Gorgeous! Great post. And congrats on the feature.:) SArahD

    P.S. Loved the comment you left on my last post. x

  30. Me ha gustado mucho la coleccion de Lanvin y Dior!!
    saludos y besos! :)

  31. Love the looks you've chosen and congrats on feature!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  32. definitivamente me quedo con Dior!

  33. Que bien no? enhorabuena!
    A mí de Paris me encantó PS, Kenzo, Lanvin...y bastante, bastante YSL...así que ya ves, un poco de todo me gusta!

  34. Hola cariñooo

    bueno que trajes hay alguno que me encantaaa!

    si la Loren era ùnica! una mujer mujer jajaja

    mil besos cielo!!


  35. Great post I am delighted!!!

  36. La semana de la moda masculina en Paris me encantó pero tu review es increible como tu creatividad para escribirlo,enhorabuena por la idea,que buena entrada Andy !!



  37. Buena selección Andy!
    Y ya no te digo tu visión y adaptación creativa de una historia curiosa y tu manera de definir a "Los Forasteros"....;)

    Yo me quedo con la chaqueta/casaca de John Galliano!!


Thanks for your comments!