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Photographer Luciano Salazar - Self Portrait |
La pregunta que muchos se hacen ¿Por qué escogiste el personaje de Azrael?Creo haberme encontrado al menos con él, el guía-mensajero, (pues no me gustaría decir que con Dios, no creo ser merecedor de tan grande honor) ,a los 17 años estuve en el hospital una larga temporada, al final en la última de mis operaciones, sufrí de un paro cardio-respiratorio que duró 9 minutos, larga historia. Desperté y lo primero que dije ( en mi mente) fue gracias Dios mío, no sé porque lo habré dicho, no sabía que estaba pasando, solo recuerdo que al abrir mis ojos habían 7 médicos a mi alrededor, y gritos de mi familia. No era religioso para nada, aún no lo soy. Creo que me pasó porque estaba haciendo algo mal, y la experiencia fue de cambio en mi vida.
Al ver las imágenes del coro de Azrael pude notar que cada personaje expresa una emoción diferente la cual asocio con distintas etapas de la muerte ¿Tienen estos personajes algún significado especial para ti?
Al ver las imágenes del coro de Azrael pude notar que cada personaje expresa una emoción diferente la cual asocio con distintas etapas de la muerte ¿Tienen estos personajes algún significado especial para ti?
He leído que los ángeles sienten, mas fueron creados para un propósito, quise expresar o tratar de transmitir las fuertes emociones que podría experimentar un ser que fue hecho con un fin y que no tiene elección, al cual sus deberes, en este caso los de la muerte, le afecta.
Cuéntanos un poco de la experiencia de armar tu primera exposición fotográfica y presentarla en una plataforma como el Macro Fest.Ya había hecho una exposición anteriormente, en Casco Antiguo también, en Villa Gustina (Tattooass) las imágenes están en el Facebook de ARTSPACES (http://www.facebook.com/ArtSpacesTV), pero esta segunda fue un proyecto más grande, con un equipo de profesionales y amigos muy especiales, mucha más gente la vio, recibimos buen feedback. Es grandioso cuando actividades como estas permiten mostrar puntos de vista de nuevos creativos-artistas como yo a tantas personas.
Cuéntanos un poco de la experiencia de armar tu primera exposición fotográfica y presentarla en una plataforma como el Macro Fest.Ya había hecho una exposición anteriormente, en Casco Antiguo también, en Villa Gustina (Tattooass) las imágenes están en el Facebook de ARTSPACES (http://www.facebook.com/ArtSpacesTV), pero esta segunda fue un proyecto más grande, con un equipo de profesionales y amigos muy especiales, mucha más gente la vio, recibimos buen feedback. Es grandioso cuando actividades como estas permiten mostrar puntos de vista de nuevos creativos-artistas como yo a tantas personas.
La fotografía de moda es a lo que mas se te vincula ¿Por qué elegiste concentrar tu foco en ese sector de la industria?Es simple me siento cómodo, me siento bien al tratar con una figura humana, en dirigirla, en explorar la belleza.
La pregunta obligatoria ¿Qué te inspira?
Mi familia/seres queridos, la muerte, Dios.
¿Qué opinas de la nueva modalidad de mostrar la moda a través de vídeos cortos? Me encantan los cortometrajes de moda, ya he realizado un par, y estoy ansioso por el próximo, será genial.
¿Qué opinas de la nueva modalidad de mostrar la moda a través de vídeos cortos? Me encantan los cortometrajes de moda, ya he realizado un par, y estoy ansioso por el próximo, será genial.
Basado en tus experiencias como fotógrafo emergente ¿Qué crees que necesita la industria fotográfica en Panamá?Una escuela de fotografía adecuada, a la vanguardia de los países superiores en este tema, para formar personas con visión adecuada de lo que es la imagen.
Una de las cosas mas comentadas fue sin duda el hecho de que vendiste varios de tus cuadros en tu primer día de exposición ¿Qué se siente lograr algo que es muy poco común que suceda en este tipo de eventos?Genial, es el inicio, lo que viene será mejor, creo que las personas en Panamá están comenzando a exigir buena fotografía.
En el tiempo que tienes de hacer esto ¿Cuál ha sido la lección más valiosa que has aprendido?
Si haces algo sintiéndote mal, todo saldrá mal, no importa tu técnica de luz, post producción, etc., ya fue condenado a salir mal.
Tres cosas sin las cuales no podrías vivir:
1. Amor familiar
2.Una mascota
Descríbete en tres palabras: complicado, directo y creativo.
Canción favorita: Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Frase con la que te identifiques:
"Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel..." HoraceWalpole.
I loveyou.
Película favorita:no tengo, hay varias que me gustan por distintas razones, una de esas es District 9.
Placer Pecaminoso: comer Gerber de manzana.

In this art industry that tends to be sometimes misleading and hypocritical, you get to know many, work with multiple, admire a group, but very few can be called friends. Perhaps some of you have read his name in the photo credits for the bnl magazine editorials (I've posted several times here) and his work deserves to be recognized. Taking advantage of the opening of his exhibition during the Macro Fest week, I was able perform an interview and finally present the work (which I already presented the backstage) and the person behind it, whom I had the pleasure of meeting, have the delight of working with , whom I admire a deeply but above everything else have the joy and the honor of calling, Friend. With you Luciano Salazar and his expo Azrael.
The question that many ask ¿Why you chose the character of Azrael?
I think I have met with him, the guide-messenger, (for I would not say God, I don´t see myself worthy of such great honor), at 17 I was in the hospital a long time, at the end on the last of my operations, I suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest that lasted 9 minutes, long history. I woke up and the first thing I said (in my mind) was thank God, I did not know why or what was happening, I just remembered opening my eyes and having 7 doctors around me and the screams of my family. I was not religious at all, I'm still not. I think it happened because I was doing something wrong, and the experience was to change in my life.
Seeing the pictures of the choir of Azrael I noticed that each character expresses a different emotion which I associate with different stages of death ¿Do these characters have special meaning for you?
I´ve read angels feel, but were created for a purpose, I wanted to say or try to convey the strong emotions you may experience at being that who was made for a purpose and has no choice, to which his duties, in this case death, affects him.
Tell us a little about the experience of putting together a photo exhibit and present it in a platform like the Macro Fest.
I had already made one earlier, at Casco Viejo in Villa Gustina (Tattooass) those images are in the ARTSPACES Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ArtSpacesTV), but the second was a larger project with a team of professionals and special friends, many more people saw it, we received good feedback. It's great when activities allow you to display the views of new creative-artists like me to so many.
Fashion photography is to what people mostly relate you ¿Why did you choose to concentrate your focus on that sector of the industry?
It's simple, I'm comfortable, I feel good when dealing with the human figure, directing it, and exploring the beauty.
The obligatory question ¿What inspires you?
My family / loved ones, death, God.
¿What do you think of this new method of displaying fashion through short videos?
I love fashion shorts, I've done a couple, and I look forward to the next, it will be great.
Based on your experiences as an emerging photographer ¿What do you think needs the photographic industry in Panama?
A suitable photography school, at the forefront of the top countries in this area, to train people with an adequate vision about the image.
One of the most discussed topics was undoubtedly the fact that you selled various of your pictures on the first day of exposure ¿How does it feel to accomplish something that is very rare to happen in this type of events?
Great, is the beginning, which is better, I think the people in Panama are beginning to demand good picture.
In all the time you´ve been doing this ¿What has been the most valuable lesson you've learned?
If you do something not feeling well, everything will go wrong, no matter your light technique, post production, etc.., It was already sentenced to go wrong.
Three things which you could not live without:
1. Family Love
2.A pet
Describe yourself in three words: complicated, direct and creative.
Favorite song: Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Phrase with which you identify:
"Life is a comedy for Those Who Think ... and a tragedy for Those Who Feel ..." HoraceWalpole.
I love you.
Favorite Movie: I don´t have one, there are several that I like for different reasons, one of those is District 9.
Guilty pleasure: eating apple Gerber..
I think I have met with him, the guide-messenger, (for I would not say God, I don´t see myself worthy of such great honor), at 17 I was in the hospital a long time, at the end on the last of my operations, I suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest that lasted 9 minutes, long history. I woke up and the first thing I said (in my mind) was thank God, I did not know why or what was happening, I just remembered opening my eyes and having 7 doctors around me and the screams of my family. I was not religious at all, I'm still not. I think it happened because I was doing something wrong, and the experience was to change in my life.
Seeing the pictures of the choir of Azrael I noticed that each character expresses a different emotion which I associate with different stages of death ¿Do these characters have special meaning for you?
I´ve read angels feel, but were created for a purpose, I wanted to say or try to convey the strong emotions you may experience at being that who was made for a purpose and has no choice, to which his duties, in this case death, affects him.
Tell us a little about the experience of putting together a photo exhibit and present it in a platform like the Macro Fest.
I had already made one earlier, at Casco Viejo in Villa Gustina (Tattooass) those images are in the ARTSPACES Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ArtSpacesTV), but the second was a larger project with a team of professionals and special friends, many more people saw it, we received good feedback. It's great when activities allow you to display the views of new creative-artists like me to so many.
Fashion photography is to what people mostly relate you ¿Why did you choose to concentrate your focus on that sector of the industry?
It's simple, I'm comfortable, I feel good when dealing with the human figure, directing it, and exploring the beauty.
The obligatory question ¿What inspires you?
My family / loved ones, death, God.
¿What do you think of this new method of displaying fashion through short videos?
I love fashion shorts, I've done a couple, and I look forward to the next, it will be great.
Based on your experiences as an emerging photographer ¿What do you think needs the photographic industry in Panama?
A suitable photography school, at the forefront of the top countries in this area, to train people with an adequate vision about the image.
One of the most discussed topics was undoubtedly the fact that you selled various of your pictures on the first day of exposure ¿How does it feel to accomplish something that is very rare to happen in this type of events?
Great, is the beginning, which is better, I think the people in Panama are beginning to demand good picture.
In all the time you´ve been doing this ¿What has been the most valuable lesson you've learned?
If you do something not feeling well, everything will go wrong, no matter your light technique, post production, etc.., It was already sentenced to go wrong.
Three things which you could not live without:
1. Family Love
2.A pet
Describe yourself in three words: complicated, direct and creative.
Favorite song: Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Phrase with which you identify:
"Life is a comedy for Those Who Think ... and a tragedy for Those Who Feel ..." HoraceWalpole.
I love you.
Favorite Movie: I don´t have one, there are several that I like for different reasons, one of those is District 9.
Guilty pleasure: eating apple Gerber..
*You can also visit his website http://www.lucianosalazar.com/
hugs, Andy.
enhoabuena x la entrevista
genial la entrevista :D gracias por compartirlo
Great post Andy :)
ReplyDeletexx Ilka
GENIAL ENTREVISTA, felicidades!!;)
ReplyDeleteNuevo diseño de pestañas/menú en mi blog, seguro que te gusta!!;)
Clodet Illustrations
Una entrevista genial!
ReplyDelete¡Buena noche! =)
J. Héctor
Enhorabuena por la entrevista,
ReplyDeleteha sido un gran trabajo, gracias por mostarlo.
Un abrazo
awesome interview!
Fantastico papi!
ReplyDeleteLove your interview questions and boy, those photos are pretty fierce!!
Twenty York Street
Entrevista Fantástica¡¡¡¡¡ un placer leer tu blog¡¡¡¡
las fotos son preciosas!
Que buena entrevista!!
ReplyDeleteestupendo post :)
saludos y besos!
Gorgeous interview and fascinating pictures!! Make up @ Expo Azrael is marvelous!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday Andy!!