Globally Chic at Melissa Nation Party.

Hola a todos! Hoy los dejo con algunas fotos de el evento Melissa Nation donde varios medios, fans y clientes de la marca pudimos conocer la nueva colección de la marca de zapatos Melissa la cual se inspira en distintos países y culturas para crear calzados chic y totalmente buscados. Fue una velada encantadora en buena compañía y ambiente, un sello que ha caracterizado todos los eventos de la marca, bueno al menos a los que he asistido. Que tengan un bonito fin de semana.

Hello everyone! Today I´m leaving you with some pictures of the recent Melissa Nation event where various media, fans and regular costumers of the brand were interoduced to the new collection of the eco-friendly shoewear brand which is inspired by different countries and cultures to creat chic footwear that is totally a must have. It was a fantastic evening with great company and ambience, something that´s become a seal in all of the Melissa events, well at least that´s what I cant tell from those I´ve attended. Have a beautiful weekend.

Shoe hunting!

My favourite pieces from the new and old Melissa collections.

I´m ending this post with some stylish ladies.

*On a last note...I´ve decided to take on a challenge for next week in which I´ll post a Personal Style look every single day until Saturday. Each look will have a theme (it could be a color, a movie, a music style, art, etc). You know I´ve made a promise to do more personal style looks this year so for me this is a true challenge, its not like I have a ton of clothes lol but I´ll do my best! Hope you support me :)

Hugs, Andy.


  1. Loas zapatos son increibles!
    Parece que lo pasasteis genial!


    Te dejo el link de mi nuevo blog!

  2. ooh que bonitas zapatillas y zapatos!! vas a sitios encantan!! besitos my dear!!



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