Off the Rack: An afternoon at P.F. Chang´s.

Well is not always about fashion...mostly...I do other things you know xD

  Hola a todos! Pues como verán este post es un poco tiene nada que ver con moda...por eso decidí llamar a este tipo de entradas "Off the rack". El martes tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la apertura, para medios, de el restaurante P.F. Chang´s en el Mall Multiplaza Pacific, donde aparte de conocer en persona al señor Phillip Chiang también pudimos disfrutar de un almuerzo especialmente realizado para los medios (fuimos los primeros en degustar los platillos). 
El señor Chiang nos comento un poco sobre su pasado y aquello que lo motivo a abrir una cadena de restaurantes, esta inspiración comenzó gracias a su madre quien también se dedicaba al negocio y era la fundadora de un restaurante llamado El Mandarín ubicado en la ciudad de San Francisco en los años 60. Nacido en China y criado en Tokio adoptó los sabores de ambas regiones para crear fusiones únicas pero a la vez muy simples, también tomando como inspiración los platillos que su madre realizaba como el Rollo de Lechuga y Pollo que años atrás era preparado con codorniz, ya que cree la comida no debe ser complicada y aunque el plato solo tenga un ingrediente hay que llevar ese único sabor al máximo transformándolo en algo tan delicioso que no requiera el tradicional ensamblaje culinario de proteína, granos y vegetales para que este completo. 
Con 21 años en el negocio desde que abrió su primer restaurante en Scottsdale, Arizona junto a Paul Fleming, la cadena ha evolucionado con los tiempos llegando a ofrecer menús que se adaptan a varios gustos como el vegetariano y también ofrece platos libres de gluten. Los invito a que me acompañen a conocer algunos de los exquisitos platillos, así como el local, del primer P.F. Chang´s de latinoamérica.

  Hello everyone! Well as you will see this post is a little has nothing to do with I decided to call these entries "Off the rack". On Tuesday I had the opportunity to attend the opening for media and bloggers of the P.F. Chang's restaurant in the Mall Multiplaza Pacific, where aside from meeting Mr. Phillip Chiang in person we could also enjoy a lunch made ​​especially for the media (we were the first to taste the dishes).
Mr. Chiang told us a little about his past and what motivated him to open a chain of restaurants, this inspiration began thanks to her mother who also was in the business and was the founder of a restaurant called The Mandarin located in the city of San Francisco in the 60s. Born in China and raised in Tokyo  he adopted the flavors of both regions to create unique yet very simple dishes, also learning on the dishes that her mother performed like the Chicken Lettuce Wrap wich years ago was prepared with quail, he believes that food should not be complicated and although the dish has only one ingredient one must make the most out of its taste transforming it into something so delicious that it does not require the traditional culinary assembly of proteins, grains and vegetables for a complete feel to it.
With 21 years in the business since he opened his first restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona with Paul Fleming, the chain has evolved with the times coming to provide menus to suit various tastes like vegetarian and also offering gluten-free dishes. I invite you to join me run through some of the delicious dishes as well as the restaurant, the first P.F. Chang's of Latin America.

Mr. Phillip Chiang...such a nice guy. *Note: He confessed that when not at the restaurant he loves eating Italian cuisine*.

Lunch menu just for media and bloggers.

The Food
My drink for the day, Cucumber & Strawberry Limade...believe me I won´t forget it. DELICIOUS!

Entreé: Chang´s Famous Chicken Lettuce Wrap....That meat is gooood and it was fun to kind of reminds me how koreans eat.

Entreé: Hand Folded Crab Wontons...Kicked some bootay! Amazing, one of the best plates.

Entreé: Handmade Pork Dumplings....I love you! 

Entreé: Ahi Tartare with Avocado....refreshing, very japanese inspired.

Entreé: Dynamite Shrimp ....this one´s a total winner! Also the best selling dish in asian countries. Spice Level: If you can´t handle heat...get some water cause is too good. Also there were some ribs after this one but I have no idea why they didn´t get to me Lol so there´s no picture...sorry.

Main Course: Lemon Grass Chicken Salad....the only one good for my diet..I´m still on it btw I just took a leave of absence for this particular day.

Main Course: Shrimp with Candied Walnuts....interesting flavour and very good.

Main Course: Mongolian Beef....Great dish! Also a best seller globally.

Main Course: Lo Mein Chicken...I enjoyed it though not a huge fan of the bit harder noodle.

Main Course: Chang´s Spicy Chicken...Spice Level: Mild

Side Dish: Spicy Green can also be considered a Main Course and is perfect for vegeratians. Spice Level: Low (actually this was the least spicy, if not at all, of the dishes listed under the spicy category).

Dessert: Banana Spring it, I also found great the fact that it might look really sweet but its actually not so is not overpowering.

The Great Wall of Chocolate....the iceberg to my Titanic...nuff said.

The Restaurant
Después del almuerzo hicimos un pequeño recorrido por el restaurante, el cual es muy lindo. Interesantemente, aparte del hecho que el mural y el menú son básicamente los mismos en cada país el mismo restaurante cambia totalmente para cada locación, es por esa razón que se refieren a la cadena como una "Colección de Restaurantes".

After lunch we had a little trip through the restaurant which is beautiful, interestingly apart from the fact that the food and the chinese mural that you´ll see below are basically the same in each country the restaurant itself changes entirely according to the place its built that´s why they refer to the whole chain as a "collection of restaurants".

Fashion Fix
Claro que no puedo llamarme un Fashion Blogger sin al menos tratar de meter la moda en algún lado, es por eso que hice algunos style shots de mis looks favoritos de esa tarde.

Of course I can´t call myself a Fashion Blogger with out at least trying to get fashion somewhere...that´s why I did some style shots of my three favourite looks from that afternoon.

Hugs, Andy.


  1. Ostia querido Andy...que pinta tiene estos platos, y eso que soy vegetariana..pero en serio que todo pinta muy bueno!!

    que suerte tienes!!

    besitos dear!


  2. ohh it looks like a lot of delicious food! They have PF Chang everywhere in the states but not Canada, I've love to try it out

  3. El local es precioso y la presentación de los platos, elegantes y con mucho color, vamos que me los comería todos!! En cuanto a los looks, casual y relajados, perfectos para la ocasión.

    Abrazos Andrés


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