Personal Style #10 - J´adore

Rochas Polo, Tasso Elba Sleeveless Trench, Ralph Lauren Jeans, Tommy Hilfiger Shoes & Barzdyka Tote Bag.

Hola a todos! Continuando con mi semana de Personal Style hoy les dejo con un look inspirado por mi próximo viaje a Italia y Francia este septiembre. Rara vez puedo usar un trench en Panamá pero los días, aunque todavía algo calurosos, están comenzando a tornarse nublados bloqueando el sol directo y logrando que se puedan utilizar algunas piezas que en otra ocasión me volverían un sauna, esto también señala el periodo de transición de verano hacia el "invierno panameño" que es básicamente lluvia. Espero les guste.

Hello everyone! Keeping up with this Personal Style week today I´m leaving you with this look inspired by my upcoming trip to Italy and France this september. Its quite rare for me being able to use a trench in Panama but these days, though still a bit hot, have been starting to appear cloudy preventing the sun to literally jump on your bag and bake you and these allows one to wear pieces that in any other occasion will make you a living sauna, this climate is also a clear indicator we are starting to slowly move out of summer to enter the "panamanian winter" which is basically lots of rain Lol. Hope you like the look.

5 Things About Me
1. When I´m at home I wear sweatpants that can literally be called palazzo...I mean they are big! There´s just something so comfy in them.

2. If some of you wonder wth do I do for a living...I started out as a fashion consultant for a colombian designer based in Panamá, I´ve worked with him a year and a half and now I am happy to say I was offered the job as Brand Director for his namesake label....of course I took it! We are opening his first store next week! I´ll fill you in on that in a special post.

3. My favourite ice cream flavor is anything with caramel...I´ll go for it in a minute!

4. I was always kind of an outcast during my school know never part of the "cool gang" and stuff...hell! I´m not even part of them now....and it has worked wonders for me!

5. I know most of Kill Bill´s Vol. 1 & 2 dialogue by memory...fav movie what can I say? 

Hugs, Andy.


  1. look cool

  2. Nice outfit! I love the vest-trench and the combination of the colors!
    We also like the bag!

    We're following you!
    Have a nice Wednesday!


  3. it's good that you're doing good with your job. and congrats on that offer!


  4. Great style, great photos, you look great!!


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