Tales in Motion - Fashion Short Films.

La moda debe hacernos soñar y despertar en nosotros un deseo, esa función la ha cumplido desde hace muchos años y la ha llevado a nuevos altos gracias a la incursión de los cortos y filmes de moda. Gracias a ellos las marcas logran transmitir sentimientos, ideologías y en general un sello en movimiento de su ADN.
Motivado por dos particulares filmes recientes y por el próximo Panamá Fashion Film Festival, evento que por primera vez reúne a los talentos audiovisuales del país en conjunto con los creadores y marcas locales para la creación y muestra de cortos que tienen la moda como un hilo en común, he decidido hacer una pequeña lista de aquellos filmes de pocos minutos que han dejado una huella en mi gracias a su estética, música y mensaje.
Debo decir, que aquellos cortos que me conquistan son los que me hacen viajar mentalmente, me hacen reír o simplemente me maravillan con su dinamismo visual. Se que hay muchos que son excelentes con diálogo e historias más complejas pero que puedo decir siempre he sido un sujeto motivado por vibras. Espero que los disfruten tanto como yo.

Fashion should make us dream and birth in us a profound desire, it has being true to that function for many years and it´s taken it on a higher scale thanks to the introduction of short fashion films. Through them brands are able to transmit feelings, ideologies and in general a stamp in motion that shines a light on their DNA.
Motivated by two particular recent films and the upcoming Panama Fashion Film Festival, which gathers for the first time the talents in film and design for the creation of short films united by fashion, I decided to do a small list of those films that in a span of few minutes left a enduring mark in me for their aesthetics, use of music and overall message.
I got to say that the short films which usually get me are those that automatically make my mind wander, that make me laugh or that just marvel me with their visual dynamics. I know there are tons of other films with great dialogue and complex stories but I can´t help but being a subject moved by vibes. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

KATE SPADE - #missadventure
Anna Kendrick and Lily Tomlin...getting a good laugh. When is that ever wrong? In that note you should totally see episodes 1,3 & 4 believe me its worth your time.

Directed by Michael Mohan.

DELPOZO - Winter Eclipse
Leave it to one of my favorite brands to deliver a surreal and unique story. Just like the brand itself.
Directed by Pablo Maestres.

KENZO - Kenzo World
When you are a big fan of contemporary dance..and you loved Sia´s chandelier video and then this comes up...just buy the fragance and then get your freak on anywhere!
Directed by Spike Jonze.

CARTIER - L´odyssée
For me when it comes to just sheer gorgeous visuals (fabricated or not) this one reigns supreme.
Directed by Bruno Aveillan.

DOLCE & GABBANA - SS15 Ad Campaign
This video is just passion, life and a banging score...the fact the clothes are the definition of divine is just the cherry on top.
Directed by Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana.

WREN - First Kiss
At first it made me cringe and then it slayed me...such tenderness and vulnerability which mesmerizes at the same time. I don´t know if you can call this a proper "fashion" short film...for me is more of a style oriented one but it is totally sidelined by the concept itself...and I couldn´t care less.
Directed by Tatia Pilieva.

The Black Label 

1 comment:

  1. Me encanta, Andrés! La modalidad del Fashion Film aún tiene mucho por explotar y creo que muchas marcas deberían de unirse al movimiento, siempre se pueden contar un montón de historias mágicas e innovadoras

    Me voy a checar todas las opciones que dices hoy en la noche desde cama con un snack

    Un beso y gracias por todos tus comentarios :)
    Fungi Express blog


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