Top 20ch2 press conference by Physical @ Diablo Rosso

 Hola mis queridos lectores y compañeros de la blogosfera! El pasado Miércoles tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia de prensa, en Diablo Rosso, de la compañía de modelaje mas reconocida a nivel nacional, Physical, donde se anuncio la nueva iniciativa Top 20 de chico y chica modelo. Los que vivimos en Panamá conocemos muy bien estos concursos sin embargo este año deciden lanzarlo con una nueva visión eliminando precisamente el concepto de concurso y a través de castings en todo el territorio nacional seleccionar 20 modelos y educarlos en todo lo relativo a la carrera de modelaje y convertirlos en los proximos 20 top models no solo de Panamá sino a nivel internacional.
Hello my dear readers and fellow bloggers! Last wednesday I had the chance of attending the press conference, at Diablo Rosso, from one of the most recognized modeling agencies in the country, Physical, where it was annouced the new iniciative Top 20 ch2. For all of those who live in Panama, and follow fashion, this guys and girls modeling contest is quite well known nevertheless this year they have decided to launch it with a whole new perspective eliminating the contest concept and through castings on all national territory select 20 models and educate them in all the endeavours of the modelling career and turn them into the next 20 top models not only in Panama but worldwide.
 Marie Claire Fontaine, Physical´s co-owner and Justine Pasek, Physical model and ex Miss Universe

En la conferencia se explico que esta nueva iniciativa tiene como propósito impulsar la carrera de los modelos del país y posicionarlos en la mira internacional, utilizando como plataforma para los castings los nuevos medios tecnologicos buscan ampliar el rango de personas interesadas en participar y así mismo abrir las opciones de la agencia a la oportunidad de seleccionar un grupo fuerte y con proyección solida. De estos chicos y chicas varios participarán en sesiones, campañas y pasarelas para las compañías, marcas y eventos mas prestigiosos buscando abrirles la puertas.
At the conference it was explained that this new iniciative has a purpose of launching the careers of the national models with the intention of positioning them in the international view, using as a plataform for the castings the new technological media they seek to expand the range of people interested in participating and at the same time to broad their final selections into a strong group with solid proyection. Some of this guys and girls will be participating in shoots, ad campaigns and runways for the most prestigious companies, brands and events helping to open the doors for them.
 A la conferencia de prensa asistieron un grupo selecto de medios de comunicación entre los cuales estuvimos los bloggers. Tengo que resaltar y felicitar a la compañía Physical, así mismo como expresar mi enorme emoción, pues entre los puntos que revelaban consideraron que los bloggers somos importantes como medios de comunicacion independientes que funcionamos como el termómetro de la industria y expresaron su deseo de crear dinámicas de trabajo para sus proyectos entre los cuales están el festival MACRO y el Fashion Week Panamá. Como punto personal quiero añadir que esta decisión me pareció increíble pero aun mas es el hecho que finalmente una empresa de trayectoria reconoció a los blogs entre los demás medios dándonos el reconocimiento que tanto añorábamos. Lo logramos chicos, la revolución blogger ha comenzado!
To the conference were invited a select group of media in which bloggers where included. I have to highlight and congratulate Physical, and at the same time express my great emotion, because in the points they mentioned it was revealed they consider bloggers as important independent media that work as an industry thermometer and they openly voiced their intention to create work dinamics with us for their proyects in which you can count the MACRO festival and of course Fashion Week Panama. As a personal quote I would like to say that I thought this iniciative with bloggers was amazing but even more the fact that finally a reowned company in the fashion industry recognized the blogs giving us the aknowledgement that we were so longing for. We did it guys, the blogger revolution has begun!
 Some of the models that will be featured in the upcoming video campaign for Top 20ch2: Nathalia Sandoval, Nathalia Blasser, Jose Fernando Zuluaga, Cleirys Velasquez, Gabriela Méndez and Mario Fonseca.
The models and Marie Claire Fontaine with Elias Jimenez, in charge of the PR for Physical
 The ever fabulous Ana Gabriela Delgado, model and presenter of Fashion TV show Ellas y Tu
 The girl that can literally make even a box look fierce, blogger Alexa Carolina Chacon from Sohotsome
 My very good friend, blogger Erika Thomas getting ready for a TV interview
 And now some photos of Diablo Rosso where the press conference took place
That piece with the print in red, green and blue was a gorgeous short jumpsuit with the most fabulous ehtnic print...I LOVE IT!
 Beautiful shoes from MCMA....To all my panamenian readers if you happen to watch live or through media the collection of MCMA at Fashion Week Panama  you´ll be glad to know is being sold in Diablo Rosso! Get your piece now!
 I totally love this place! So much art and inspiration!
 Everything in the pic is pure art and fabulosity haha...Luv u Ale!
 More hot pieces from MCMA and other brands and designers
If your ever come to Panama, or if you already live here, and you happen to love art I highly recommend you talking a little time to visit Diablo Rosso..this fabulous place works as a store, gallery and cafeteria where you´ll find really unique and incredible pieces and it is located in Casco Viejo where there is always something new and artistic to watch and with some of the best restaurants in town.
Of course there is the outfit pic..I really wanted to feature the bag, but I forgot to set the flash haha...its ok, there are more outfits to feature it ;)
Polo - Rocawear
Vest - Club Room
Jeans - Request
Shoes - Aldo
Bag - Space Boys bag from Boys Villa by Geniesse Pierre


  1. I always enjoy reading your posts, great!

  2. What a fabulous opportunity and concept. Thanks to you Andy i did not even know Panama had a fashion industry, and now I am always eager to learn more!

  3. lucky u:)such a great occasion!!
    have a nice day dear!

    Patchwork à Porter

  4. Wow my dear Andy "Diablo Rosso" caught my attention completely, so many fab things at one place!! I would definitely visit it if I was there!;) I think u're getting more and more evolved into all bloggers and fashion events and that makes me so happy!:)
    Btw thank u so much for your last comment and b-day wishes, u're such a heart, and I'm blessed to know u!:)
    Jelena (

  5. Cuánto tiempo! ¿Qué tal las vacaciones? :) Espero que genial y que lo pasaras muy bien en este evento :)

    Besos desde

  6. this is awesome. i love seein u everywhere nowadays! keep it up darling!!!

  7. Bello Andy me encanto tu look +chic for you Muahhh un besote


  8. Que envidia me das siempre! No paras de asistir a mil eventos diferentes y muy interesantes! Felicidades, seguro que te has hecho un hueco en el panorama blogger de Panamà. Un abrazo Andrés!

  9. great blog!
    following it!


  10. You are attending many events, so coll!! ;)



  11. How cool is your blog! I love the post!
    We invite you to visit my blog, if you like it we can follow?
    A big hug!

  12. love your blog! looks like a great time <3

    come say hi sometime,
    and don't forget to check out my giveaway for a free pair of high waisted shorts! xoxo

  13. You are so lucky to always be invited to all these events!

    Love! ~Angel

  14. Thanks for recommending the place Diablo Rosso. Def. will drop by when I come there.

  15. Andy! tu siempre en todos lados! jaja! Me encanta la propuesta y el nuevo enfoque que le dan! Está muy bien que quieran impulsar el modelaje nacional! bien por ellos!



    Adrien Loren

  16. Asi da gusto, todo un lujo de evento,
    siempre estás poniendonos al día de todo,me encanta !
    y con un bonito gesto para todos los bloggers,una buena iniciativa para un concurso de belleza.

    Buen finde semana

    Saludos Andy

  17. No paras, que eventos tan interesantes.

  18. I love your bag:) and Gabriela Delgado...I'm loving her color blocking outfit:)

  19. Que bien que puedas asistir a ese tipo de eventos :D

  20. Soo cool! I always love your posts :)Very neat art on the wall + love those flats!

    xox Jordana

  21. How exciting...the even looked like such fun. The clothing there looked fabulous as do your shoes.


  22. I like your blog!!!
    Can you follow each other? I'm following you!

  23. Pues que suerte que fuiste, eres todo un reportero fashion :P
    saludos y besos!

  24. Me parece excelente idea y tu como siempre luciendo impecable :D

  25. I think this sounds really interesting. I would love to observe this sometime! P.S. All of the models are gorgeous!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  26. Hola preciosa!! tienes un blog estupendo, este post me ha encantado, no dejo de ver las fotos una y otra vez jeje tienes nueva seguidora. Un besazo enorme y que tengas un día fantástico!!^^
    Olaya B

  27. !me encanta ver la importancia de los bloggers crescer por todo el mundo!


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