I found myself in wonderland @ Espacio Vintage!

Hola a todos!! Había estado tratando de subir este post durante la mañana pero no entiendo que le sucede a blogger aun ahora sigue dando problemas me manda un informe de error y no se ni de que es! Pero en fin, aquel día que fui a la conferencia de prensa, al terminar la misma, aproveche que estaba por el Casco Viejo y me pase por la fabulosa tienda de Espacio Vintage, la cual se especializa en vender artículos y ropa vintage o inspirados en alguna década pasada. Esta tienda pertenece a una muy querida amiga llamada Kristina Foguel quien sin duda ha hecho un maravilloso trabajo escogiendo las piezas que hoy en día posee la tienda logrando hacerla un lugar único para ir a comprar.
Hello everyone!! I´ve been wanting to upload this post since morning but I don´t know what´s the deal with blogger even now it keeps sending me this error message and I don´t even know what is it! But oh well, that day I went to the press conferece, when it finished, I decided to pay a visit to Espacio Vintage store since I was in Casco Viejo, this store specializes in selling vintage items and clothes, or vintage inspired ones. It belong to a very dear friend called Kristina Foguel that has made a wonderful job choosing the pieces that the store has now, making it a really unique place to go shopping.

 Love this shoes! So many color!

 In panama having shades is almost necessary, so why not with some vintage inspired sunglasses
 That dress is awesome! I know one or more vintage lover bloggers who will rock this!
They have Moschino!..the only store in Panama with that brand...I felt happy haha
 And then I saw Christian Lacroix and went berserk xD
 Another Moschino skirt....yeah you know I´m a sucker for leopard!
 I was so happy to know they also sell unique garments from some panamenian designers like this beautiful skirt from Fernanda Quiros, that some of you may have seen from my posts in FWP

Look at that!!! Some lucky woman would feel very Cleopatra-esque

Haha cool caps! I also luv Casco!

La verdad quería visitar Espacio Vintage desde hace algún tiempo y me alegra mucho haber podido ir, tienen cosas increíbles y están continuamente renovando su mercancía por lo que es seguro que siempre encontraran algun tesorito en esta maravillosa tienda.
The truth is I wanted to visit Espacio Vintage store since it opened (my house is kinda far away haha) but I am glad I had the chance, they have the most amazing things and keep renovating them every other time so they make sure you´ll always find a little treasure in this wonderful store.

xx Andy!


  1. i love vintage stores. id spend hours browsing trying daydreaming in there lol i could never stop

  2. I think I would also go crazy in this store also! So many cool things and Lacroix! I love vintage and try and wear at least one vintage thing a day! xx

  3. i love this. the heart sunnies look so stunning i wanna have them all

  4. Hi, I love your blog, very good!
    Give one last on my blog.
    What do you think of following each other? kisses

  5. really enjoyed reading your blog!

    following you now. keep in touch okay:)


  6. Well, it does look like wonderland!


  7. Me gusta muchísimo todo lo vintage y me encanta pensar en las historias y en la gente que hay detrás de esos complementos y de esa ropa!!

  8. Haha Andy I'm sure you looked fine when going to uni! But yes, sometimes you're so stressed out you don't even care what you wear! Love the photos, you always find the coolest little shops. Wish I could go there! xx opinionslave
    / twitter: @opinionslave

  9. What a treasure chest! It seems like it's full of so many great items; you did well to make the trip. I looks like it was worth it! xx

  10. Yo ame los zapatos de Vivianne Westwood y la falda de Moschino!

  11. I love vintage...that's such a great post! I'm following you...what do you think about follow eachother? :)

    Take a look on my blog. Best regards! Antonio!

    M IS FOR MODE - All about Fashion & Mode

    Facebook Page - Twitter

  12. I desperately want to shop there! Everything looks so fabulous! I love vintage clothing and accessories!!!

  13. I've never been in a vintage store but I def have to! Beautiful find!

    hugs and kisses by Mani.

  14. Me encanta la tienda! está genial!

    Fonud Myself In wonderland...!

    kisses Andy!

    Adrien Loren

  15. These stuff look really cool!
    I'm sure you enjoyed exploring this store! ;)



  16. Wow...this vintage store looks awesome. That;s one of my favorite new things to do in NYC. uch great finds. I spy a pendant made from a Barbie leg and I want one now. Awesome photos!


  17. Ah Andy the shoes the shoes, want them want, pleaseeee!!!!:)) so many colors, so beautiful prints and items... oh this is vintage paradise! Lucky u for checking it all out!:))

  18. Can I go to that vintage store??! Those accessories look amazing!!! :)SarahD

  19. Tiene una gran tienda Kristina, me encanta lo vintage, las fotos hablan por si solas,me encantó !

    Saludos Andy


  20. Ohh what an amazing place!!!


  21. This is my idea of heaven, hehehe!! I'm a stylist and in Australia it's really hard to find good vintage so I'm opening up my own shop! Thank you for the inspo!! xx mandy


  22. omg seriously?! I would die in this place, Thanks for sharing this wonderful spot, this is amazing store with unique finds, I would die in this store, it's on my list for boutiques to visit!!

  23. eres todo un exito como blogger Andy !
    En mi pais blogger tb se poner medio complicado para postear !
    Esa tienda tiene muchas cosas interesantes !
    saludos !


  24. oh wow! I wish we had things like that here. I am sure we do but still!

    and I agree blogger has been weird. I dont know if I like the new interface!

  25. Qué buena pinta tiene la tienda :) No iría de más echarle un vistazo :)

    Besos desde

  26. dude you make me want to go vintage shopping- shame on you!


  27. Ha like you, I too love those shoes.. so colorful...

    Peace! ~Angel

  28. OMG !! I love vintage stores, so I think it's soo cool, there are so many great stuff

    Great post

    Peace n' Kisses from France

  29. Adoro las tiendas Vintage!
    Puedes encontrar tesoros increibles y extraordinarios!

    Besos chipless by Dave Vuitton
    New Post: Rock Star Look

  30. Uy uy uy!!!
    Qe pasada!! A mi es que l vintage me pierdee!!!

    Wherever the Sunset is

  31. Wow, that looks like an amazing vintage store. I already saw a few things I would love to buy :)


  32. Aaaahhhh, it's a treasure trove!!! So many things to lust after. xoxox

  33. Would love to be there!! Want some of those!


  34. que delicia de lugar!


    seguro que has encontrado maravillas!

    un besito*


  35. Me encanta que te haya gustado las piezas ;) muy pronto sera el lanzamiento de la venta oficial Fernanda Quiros en Espacio Vintage!...los tendre al tanto ;)



  36. this store looks amazing. love the glasses and how things are displayed.

  37. Love it! Where is this place?! I want that eqyptian piece! Thanks for the wonderful comments man! xx

    Danik Yopp
    Montreal Street Fashion

  38. porfis, me puedes decir cual es su horario, he tratado de ir tantas pero tantas veces. =[

  39. Hola que tal Hen..quería escribirte a tu email pero no me sale en tu perfil de google así que ojalá y leas esto...Según lo que leí abren los martes y sabados de 11:00 am - 7:00 pm...sin embargo el dia que yo tomé las fotos fue un miercoles..así que quizas lo cambiaron pero creo que puedes ir en ese horario. Espero haber sido de ayuda si necesitas algo más no dudes en preguntar.


  40. ANDY! eres mi HEROE! MIL gracias por el TIP!

  41. me encanta el estilo vintage !!

    un beso


  42. Que tienda más genial!! Aquí en madrid también tenemos rinconcitos vintage por todos lados!! :D. Gracias por tu comentario!! Saludos.


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