Grand Opening: Express in Panama.

 Hola queridos lectores y compañeros bloggers, el pasado jueves tuve la oportunidad de atender a la gran apertura de Express en Panamá  un evento muy esperado y en el que se hizo presente una gran cantidad de invitados los cuales, muy emocionados, entraban con ansias de ver todo lo nuevo que ofrece esta reconocida marca al país  La noche se lleno de una buena vibra mientras los invitados, personas de los medios, bloggers, fashionistas, diseñadores, empresarios y artistas, disfrutaban con deliciosa champaña y música de un excelente Dj. La tienda esta dividida en 3 secciones, yo comencé por la masculina que ofrece una gran variedad de opciones para hombres. Debo decir que me gusto mucho lo que pude ver y las selecciones son ideales para nuestro clima y estilo de vida, imperan muchas piezas de corte básico y también opciones más estilozas para aquellos que gustan de ese toque extra en su atuendo. Le sigue una sección intermedia llamada "Denim Lab" la cual esta mayormente dedicada a jeans, solo para chicas, en diferentes estilos y entalles. Finalmente llegue a la sección femenina, la cual esta ubicada al principio de la inicié de atrás hacia adelante, al igual que en el sector para chicos una gran variedad de piezas, joyería y accesorios todos muy funcionales para el clima panameño y con un toque fashion indiscutible. La tienda esta ubicada en el área nueva del Mall Multiplaza Pacific, esta área completa estará abriendo al publico esta semana con una lista de tiendas nuevas que francamente me emocionan mucho. Fue una excelente velada en compañía de amigos, conocidos, nuevos bloggers y un ambiente moderno, vibrante y libre como lo es la marca Express.

Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers, last Thursday I had the opportunity to attend the grand opening of Express in Panama, a highly anticipated event which attracted a lot of guests who, excited, came forward to seeing everything new that this renowned brand offers the country. The night was filled with good vibes as guests, media people, bloggers, fashionistas, designers, entrepreneurs and artists, enjoyed with delicious champagne and an excellent music selection from the DJ. The store is divided into three sections, I began in the male space which offers a variety of options for men. I must say I really liked what I saw and the selections are ideal for our climate and lifestyle, many basic pieces prevailed and there where also stylish options for those who like that extra touch on their outfits. This is followed by a middle section called "Denim Lab" which is mostly dedicated to jeans, just for girls, in different styles and fits. Finally reaching the women's section, which is located at the beginning of the store ... yes I started from back to front, as in the sector for men you can find a variety of items, jewelry and accessories all very functional for the climate of Panama and with an indisputable fashion touch. The store is located in the new area of Multiplaza Pacific Mall, this entire area will be opening to the public this week with a list of new stores that frankly excite me a lot. It was a great evening with friends, acquaintances, new bloggers and a modern, vibrant and free ambience as it is the Express brand.

Amazing clothes, loved the colors and options for men.

We are already seeing lines and its not summer yet....this will be one big trend.

¿Have I told you I am a fan of funny and cool socks? Yeah I´d be paying regular visits in the very nearby future LOL.

I really love the fact that there is a whole part of the store just for men...we don´t have so many options in stores around here so its very refreshing.



Easy breezy fabrics...if you are a store in Panama they are a must! Not all the time...but generally.

Like I said generally but of course people can´t resist buying some piece like faux fur coats...its a hot country..but it has its cool down moments...pretty much the last 4 or 5 months are better suited to wear heavier-ish fabrics.

Neon scarves....wait ¿Wasn´t this over already?...I guess a little bit of neon is not that bad.

The store was full...the hallways were fuller...the booze was there...nuff said.

I know his name is Mario..I forgot what he does haha; Cristel Henriquez, singer and Michael Prince Bent, blogger among many other things.

Alejandra Damian, radio host; Luis Etienne, blogger; Olguita Reyna, blogger and radio co-host.

Deborah Kuzniecky, blogger and Tv personality (Panama Street Style); Jess Calderon, new blogger...welcome!

I think the girl in black is named Veronica; Samyrum, artist; Antonio Feuillebois, blogger and designer; Jennifer Choy, my proclaimed one of the top stylish women in Panama (wearing a design by Antonio).

In one of those rare occasional appearances, Me haha (and just because...shirt is from Izod and the tie is from Zara) and new blogger Jess. Thanks to blogger Geoffrey Rose for the picture.

Of course a great stylish and fashionable evening can´t end without people buying...and boy did they bought!!!

*I´ve decided to nearly end my posts with a little teaser of my next post, so here it goes: this week I am attending an art event in which my boss, designer John Bejarano, will be participating along an amazing lineup of other artists including Vogue featured painters and worldwide renowned furniture designers. It will be a very very artistic event which I am excited for because I haven´t actually done any art post in quite some time....and I better (the title says "fashion and arts blog" gotta honour it).

Hugs, Andru.


  1. Muy buenas fotos!! En México tambien tienen poco de haber abierto Express y no sabes la emoción!
    Que padre que cada vez empiezan a traer más marcas a latinoamérica :)

  2. Bonito blog!

    te invito a que sigas el mío en

  3. Qué gran evento!

    La gente iba genial vestida!!

    ¡Buen martes!

    J. Héctor

  4. nice grand opening of the store! nice items and store layout xo
    would you like to follow each other?

  5. Tiene muy buena pinta la ropa de chico! y qué bien colocadito está todo :)
    Un besoo

  6. it looks like such a fun event, oh wow I would have a great time shopping there!

  7. Que gran evento, me encanta la organización de los 3 ambientes en la tienda, seguro que lo pasaste genial y que elegancia !


  8. I love your shirt and tie!;) The store looks amazing, I like the organization and displaying of the things!!! Btw Mario is handsome...:Dlol
    Happy Wednesday Andy!! besos

  9. Hey...I would like to follow u back but when I try it says ... El propietario del sitio ha bloqueado tu participación en el mismo.

  10. Looks like such a fun event!

  11. The store looks very cool specially the man department it actually looks better than the women one
    Would you like to follow each other?

  12. That's great that you guys have an Express now! We've had them around here forever so not as exciting for me.. but I'm definitely excited for you!! Looks like it was a great time :)

  13. amazing event! i would like to have been there! it looks so glamurous! awesome!!!!

  14. oh i love your dear thank you so much for the super nice words!
    I'm following you now!

  15. i like express. i wish they'd open up a store here.

  16. Que genial!! Y los calcetines... Uff!! Me encanta!! :-)

  17. que chula la tienda y que buena pinta la fiesta

  18. Great Great Great! :)
    See u in my blog

  19. No me pueden gustar más esos calcetines!!!!

  20. WOW!! Seguro que fue una gran oportunidad! La ropa tiene muy buena pinta!

    Wherever the Sunset is

  21. Me encanta tu blog, es geniall :p te agreago a mi reader nos seguimos un saludo

  22. good start for both man and woman...great event and thank yo for sharing!

  23. En México hace poco también ya abrieron esa tienda. Me encanta lo que hay!
    Gracias por informarnos de lo que ocurre en Panamá :)
    Mil besos.

  24. Geniales fotos!!


  25. seems like a great event! love the tshirts they offer xx

    Letters To Juliet

  26. looks like a great brand! i love the opening party too everybody looks gorgeous.


  27. Que bien se ve todo! :)

  28. Great outfit collection!! Awesome & cool!


Thanks for your comments!