Personal Style #25 - Mister A.

Polo Ralph Lauren crew neck t-shirt, Levi´s 626 jeans, Nike Air Force 1 sneakers, Aeropostale sunglasses, Zara wooven hat.

*follow me on instagram @andrucorella*

Hola a todos! Ya estamos a mitad de semana y la recibo con un post de estilo personal, en esta ocasión decidí irme por un look bastante minimalista (favor no confundir con normcore) y en tonos neutros. Estos últimos días en Panamá han sido bastante cambiantes o tenemos un increíble sol y cielos despejados o es lluvia cerrada con un brisa un poco fría en las noches, lo bueno de un clima lluvioso es que te permite hacer layering con algunas piezas mientras que en un lado no muy positivo las zapatillas blancas son la crónica de un ataque psicótico anunciado jaja. Aparte de los cambios, estos días también son de mucha emoción ya que se acerca la semana de la moda panameña que ahora forma parte del calendario internacional y se llama Mercedez-Benz Fashion Week Panama, no resta decir que hay mucha expectativa por la organización este año, las propuestas de los diseñadores nacionales, lo fresco de los diseñadores emergentes y la visión de los creativos internacionales. A diferencia de otros años creo que en esta ocasión me voy a dedicar a captar en una mayor medida todo lo que sucede en el área de feria así como los mejores looks de los asistentes. A ver como me va de street styler!

Hello everyone! Well we are already in the half of this week and I am taking on it with a new personal style post, this time I decided for a more minimalist (please do not confuse with normcore) and neutral look...with a hat cause you know need to add the drama. This past few days in Panama have been quite changing its either a blinding sunny day with clear skies or knock down rain with a chilly breeze at night. On the good side the rainy days are amazing to do some interesting layering and wear those comfy pieces which in any other day will roast you to death, on the not so bright side with this rain wearing white sneakers is the chronicle of an impending mental breakdown...of course this picture was taken on one of the non-mental threatening days. Aside from all the changes in climate there is also a little bit of excitment because Panama´s fashion week is just a month away and everybody is gearing up for it, first because it now belongs to the international fashion calendar and is aptly titled Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Panama so there are a lot of expectations concerning the overall organization of the event and of course there´s the joy of watching what´s in store from the national designers, young emerging artists and international guests. Now this year might be a little different when you see my posts about it because I think my camera this time will be pointing to what is going on in the fair area and capturing (if they don´t shimmy away...sometimes they do) the best looks from the guests at the event. So let´s see how I fare as a street style snapper!

*follow me on instagram @andrucorella*

Hugs, Andy.


  1. Detallazo las deportivas clásicas Nike Andrés !!!
    Disfruta en la MBFWP


  2. I love this monochrome look on you. The hat adds some casual_gentlemen_chic. Just perfect. Cool shoes. Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  3. can you just hand me over your hat, please? hehe :)


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